Academic Development Program (ADP) IDSP-Pakistan
Academic Development Program,IDSP-Pakistan programing office/ House # 7-A Almashriq street Arbab Karam Khan Road Quetta/Phone #: 0092- 81-2449775,2471776 Fax #:0092-81-2447285

These articles are published by Academic Development Program of IDSP-Pakistan through using different sources.The opinions reflected by the various contributers and articles do not necessarily reflect the views of IDSP- Pakistan.

Showing category "Noam Chomsky" (Show all posts)

Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours

Posted by ADP on Saturday, March 20, 2010, In : Noam Chomsky 

Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours

Noam Chomsky, Courtesy to ""

Boston Review, September/October 2009

Perhaps I may begin with a few words about the title. There is too much nuance and variety to make such sharp distinctions as theirs-and-ours, them-and-us. And neither I nor anyone can presume to speak for "us." But I will pretend it is possible.

There is also a problem with the term "crisis." Which one? There are numerous very severe crises, interwo...

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Militarizing Latin America

Posted by ADP on Friday, February 5, 2010, In : Noam Chomsky 

Militarizing Latin America
Noam Chomsky, August 30, 2009

The United States was founded as an "infant empire," in George Washington's words. The conquest of the national territory was a grand imperial venture, much like the vast expansion of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. From the earliest days, control over the hemisphere was a critical goal. Ambitions expanded during World War II, as the US displaced Britain and lesser imperial powers. High-level planners concluded that the...

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